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MMA Warlike

MMA Warlike - Registration Agreement Terms

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
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- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Forum Rules Hi, welcome to the MMA Warlikes forum MMA Warlike prides itself on being known as one of the friendliest MMA forums on the Internet, we have members from around the world, male and female, with ages from the very young to grandparents. This is a mma forum you can enjoy with your wife/girlfriend or your child. Help us keep it this way by following these very simple rules. Breaking the following rules will result in an automatic banning: 1. No Hateful Comments. "Shut up ***", "**** you Newb", etc. 2. No Member Harassment (including Pm's, threats). 3. No Nudity. Avatars and Signatures included. Posting/Referring member links to pornographic material or other lewd nude photos/images. 4. No Racist Remarks AT ALL. 5. No sexual Harassment AT ALL. 6. No Nationality bashing. We have members from all over the world, So no making fun of or bashing members from different country's. 7. No Religion bashing. This is a MMA forum, NOT a religious forum. Just as we have members from around the world, many have different beliefs. Bash ANYONES beliefs or faith and you are gone. 8. No Spamming. This is a privately owned site, do not post adds with out the permission of a admin. 9. Multiple registrations are prohibited and are grounds for immediate account deletion. 10. No insulting members of the mod team or Admins. They are only doing their job of enforcing the rules and keeping Warlike a clean family forum. Insulting mods/admins or "Calling them out" in a topic aimed at them to insult them, will result in a automatic ban !! 11. Fighter bashing. NO fighter bashing in fighter interviews. They are doing US a favor by granting us a interview. Posting insulting questions/remarks etc will get you banned. Just because YOU do not like said fighter...does NOT mean everyone does not like them. You can say you do not like a fighter, or their style...but saying "F$&K him, or other extreme insults will get you banned on the spot. 12. DO NOT add video's that are not MMA related to our video fight library !! 13. TROLLING !!! Just going through the forum causing problems, looking for problems etc. If you come here looking for or causing problems, you WILL be banned !!! Other rules to follow, You will be warned and possibly banned if these get out of control, we also work on a "Three strikes and your out rule", If we have to give you three warnings, you will receive a ban, from a temp 7 day ban, to a life time ban: 1. Instructions by the moderator team are to be followed. AT ALL TIMES !! 2. Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved, locked or simply be deleted. 3. No cross posting. Post your message once, to the appropriate forum and nowhere else or it will be locked or deleted without warning. 4. Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention. 5. Use the search function before posting. Chances are your question has already been answered. Or the topic you are posting has already been posted. 6. Use **Spoilers** in title to warn people, for at least 24 hours after a fight. Building a habit of not adding spoiler....or making a random post in another topic that spoils the fight will go from getting you warned to a ban very quickly. This goes for your signatures also, changing your Sig 5 mins after a fight to say fighter "X" beat fighter "Y", or adding a giff of the fight is the same as a spoiler. This also goes for Sig betting...NOTHING that will give away the fight results for 48hrs. 7. All Fantasy/Dream Fights belongs in the Fantasy Forum. When you are starting a thread on two fighters who you would like to see fight(example: Fedor vs. Lesnar) please put a ("FANTASY") just like this after it. 8. Signatures must be kept to a reasonable size, No taller than a Youtube video is acceptable. In addition, there can be no youtube videos embedded or more than two .gif files per Sig. 9. Constantly taking a topic off subject. Example: If your in a topic about "BJ Penn", DO NOT start talking about "Fedor" 10. Do not ask where to view live mma on the web, Do not post sites that show live mma on the web. This cause's MMA Warlike legal problems. 11. No post count building, running through the forum adding +1 to every topic, adding total nonsense to topics, digging up two year old topics etc etc etc...We have seen every way there is to run up a post count. Don't do it !! When receiving a Warning, you will be warned on the topic page where the incident originated and receive a official warning that will be recorded for the mods to keep track of. If you see a thread getting out of hand, A member insulting another or you, see a post or member that breaks any of these rules please report the post by selecting "Report Post" The problem post will be handled by a mod as time permits. So please help us out with this. Also if you see a subject that has already been posted...DO NOT insult the member who posted it...they are probably new and do not know any better. Just hit the "Report this post button" and say repeated post and a mod will take care of it. Moderators will enforce the rules as written, and they have the ability to issue warnings and bans at their discretion. MMA Discussion, The Warlike Zone, Daily News and Sig betting will be locked out on all Major fighting events to prevent spoilers. You will be able to post in current topics but will not be able to create a new topic. We also hold ourselves as Mods to a higher standard. IF a Mod is breaking the rules, please inform a Admin, IF it is determined the mod was breaking the rules, it will be dealt with. Do not take advantage of this to get even with a mod who was only doing their job, if you are only trying to get a mod in trouble, YOU will be dealt with !!